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Ted Liberty PhD, JD

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 Dr. Liberty has provided psychotherapy services and psychological consulting for over 30    years. PhD Clinical Psychology; Doctor of Jurisprudence; Florida Psychology Fellow,  Licensed Psychotherapist, International Council Psychologist, World Council Board  Certified Psychotherapist and Certified NeuroPsychotherapist. 


 A member of The American Psychological Association, American Bar Association,  International Council of Psychologists, World Council for Psychotherapy, American  Academy of Clinical Psychology, American PsychoPathological Association.


 Dr. Liberty is also a Georgia Supreme Court Certified Mediator and Collaborative Law  practitioner. His Conflict Resolution experience covers a wide range of subjects area  including family and divorce, business, employment relations and community matters. 


 Dr. Liberty helps lawyers, doctors and other professionals in high pressured careers learn  how to manage depression, stress, and anxiety, enabling them to experience life more  fully. He also assists professionals in creating more positive and fulfilling work-life  balances.


No Legal Advice:

Although Dr. Liberty has a J.D., he practices therapy and executive consulting exclusively and does not practice law in any capacity.  He is not licensed to practice law. Consequently, nothing said to you is or should be construed as legal advice. If you require legal advice, you must consult with your own attorney. 

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